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Gambling Business Group to stage second edition of High Street Hub at ICE 2024


Cross-sector strategic body The Gambling Business Group (GBG) has announced that it will stage the second edition of its High Street Hub at the upcoming ICE 2024 gaming expo, which takes place February 6 – 8 at ExCeL London.

The High Street Hub provides an opportunity for visitors to network with colleagues from the land-based sector and engage with the policy debate set against the backdrop of the UK government’s White Paper on Gambling Reform.

Confirming details of the feature, Peter Hannibal, CEO of the Gambling Business Group, stated: “The Hub is an opportunity to host our members and ICE visitors from around the world, share updates on the work that’s being undertaken on consumer care, compliance and self-regulation, see first-hand the new technologies being deployed in retail betting and gaming venues and discuss the proposals for gambling reform.” 

Expanding on the role of the GBG and what visitors can expect at ICE, he added: “The Gambling Business Group is the strategic representative body for the land-based, in-person sector of the industry. Our members are drawn from across the ecosystem of suppliers and operators active in bingo, betting, arcades and casinos. 

The GGB Hub will serve as a meeting place for stakeholders from within and outside the industry and we will be inviting local authorities, government departments, regulators and elected political representatives to be part of the experience. ICE is a world-class event and represents the most exciting opportunity of the year to share thinking with pre-eminent thought leaders in the gambling space.”

Peter Hannibal, CEO of the Gambling Business Group

ICE Show Director Andy Ventris added: “The feature was very well attended at ICE 2023 and we are delighted that the Gambling Business Group is returning in 2024 with another strong presence. The Hub underlines our status as the industry exhibition that represents every gambling vertical and covers every global jurisdiction.”

The Gambling Business Group will be confirming a program of initiatives taking place on each day of ICE. Registration to attend what will be the last edition of ICE held in London prior to its relocation to Barcelona in 2025 has now opened, with passes available here.

Earlier in the month, ICE London 2024’s organizers announced a ‘Growth Markets Zone’ at the upcoming edition, a new zone for businesses looking to broaden their scope internationally and connect with companies from emerging markets. The focus of the new area will be firmly on Latin America and Africa and will comprise around 15 suppliers and innovators.

Explaining the background to the space and his aspirations for its future development, Andy Ventris said: “We always work in partnership with our stakeholders to deliver initiatives which will help them to meet their business aims and objectives. Part of the feedback following ICE 2023 revealed a demand to target gaming growth markets specifically those in Latin America and on the continent of Africa.”

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