Sports Betting News

Malta Gaming Authority issues new guidelines for processes related to gaming devices


The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) released a notification for all licensees that hold a Controlled Gaming Premises Certificate of Approval and/or Gaming Premises Certificate of Approval that it has streamlined the processes related to gaming devices “to improve the quality and consistency of our work by ensuring that our practices are compliant with operating standards.”

The Authority issued a new guidance note to help licensees understand the standardized processes and the requirements to be submitted for each process. These revised processes shall come into force as of December 1, 2023.

The document outlines the processes required in the following instances:

  • Commissioning of EGMs,
  • Decommissioning of EGMs to store,
  • Movement of EGMs,
  • Scrapping of EGMs from the approved premises floor, 
  • Scrapping of EGMS from the store.

We would also like to express the importance of your cooperation in submitting complete applications, as defined in the guidance note, allowing the MGA to work diligently and coordinate the required work efficiently,” the MGA noted. “Adherence to the processes, inputs and time frames will enable a smoother and more efficient authorization process between the Authority and the licensee.”

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