Sports Betting News

At ICE London 2024 we will launch our new Instant LOTTERY platform


From February 6 to 8, a new edition of ICE London will be held at the ExCeL in the British capital. The event will bring together the main players in the industry, who will present their innovations for the year that has just begun.

One of the companies that will be present is END2END. Its CEO and Founder, Alejandro Revich, spoke to Yogonet to give an overview of the expectations and proposals that they will bring to London.

The next edition of ICE London kicks off the 2024 exhibition season. What are your expectations for the event?

Our expectations are huge! We have a very well-established bingo platform, and a new lottery platform, which we will be presenting at ICE. 2024 finds us preparing new launches, in latitudes we haven’t reached before. We expect ICE London to be the start of a great year for END2END and the whole industry.

Do you have any launches planned for the event?

Yes, our development team has been working on our new Instant Lottery platform “Instant LOTTERY” throughout the year, and we will be unveiling it during ICE 2024.

This new platform, as the name suggests, will offer 100% customizable, real-time online lottery games. Like all END2END products, the “Instant LOTTERY” instance will have all the features of our bingo:

  • Possibility of own branding
  • Multi-language
  • Multi-currency
  • Multiple instances with different configurations
  • Network-ready
  • Compatible with live shows (streaming + physical draws)
  • High and low-frequency draws
  • High availability and scalability

The following are some of the highlights:

Full omnichannel: players will be able to access online, through physical points of sale, or both.
Unique integration: by integrating END2END, operators and/or distributors will have BINGO and LOTTERY at the same time.

ICE 2024 will be the last show to be held in London, as next year the event will move to Barcelona. What do you think about this move?

Coming from the South American summer, it is probably more pleasant to come to the climate of Barcelona than to the harsh winter of London. Honestly speaking, I don’t have a defined opinion on the matter. I believe that both London and Barcelona are very big cities, very well connected and highly prepared for an event of this importance and size, which currently brings together the entire industry globally. In particular, in the last few years, ICE London has been by far the most important event in the industry. We will see what ICE Barcelona has in store for us from 2025 onwards.

Networking will be a fundamental aspect of the event. What will be your strategy in this regard?

Fundamental, and even more so when the company presents a new product! We will try to reach our current customers and many potential new ones. We want more people to know END2END and the quality of our products, so that every person who passes by our booth (S10-423), scanning a simple QR code, can try and test our platforms in a real production environment. We have a product tailored to some jurisdictions that have recently regulated, such as Brazil. We look forward to seeing you all and, for those of you who would like to schedule a meeting or demo, we leave you the following link.

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