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European Lotteries embrace International Women’s Day 2024 with new DEI learning module


On International Women’s Day, the European Lotteries (EL) reaffirmed its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace by unveiling its DEI Growth Environment, a learning module aimed at its members and designed to underscore the importance of gender inclusivity.

Recognizing that DEI fuels organizational success by unlocking the potential of diverse talents, EL aims to cultivate stronger communities through this initiative, promoting a transformative change in mindset, awareness and skills, according to a press statement.

Romana Girandon, President & CEO of Loterija Slovenije and President of EL, said: International Women’s Day isn’t just about women’s rights or creating a fair society. It is a collective opportunity – it is about our ability to leverage knowledge and skills more effectively. Let’s use this day as a catalyst for positive change, in our personal, professional and social lives and breathe the spirit of it into our everyday.”

DEI are essential for creating and sustaining a thriving and innovative society and the new learning module is an important tool to unite EL members in advocating for the inclusion of all genders in key positions in the lottery sector, the association said. 

“Despite a gender-balanced workforce of over 51,000 employees in the EL Membership, only 32 percent of women hold management positions. Data shows that companies with diverse cultures and more than 30 percent female leadership representation are likely to outperform their less diverse peers – in creativity and innovation, better decision-making, better risk management and higher return on capital,” Girandon added.

In addition to its work on the DEI Growth Environment, the association has pioneered the Women’s Initiative in Lottery Leadership (WiLL) Mentoring Programme in Europe for a few years now. “More and more male colleagues are stepping up to get involved and advocate for the advancement of women into top positions of lottery management,” says EL.

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