Sports Betting News

DraftKings Abandons Betting Broadcasting by Selling VSiN


Broadcast setup

DraftKings is selling VSiN back to the sports betting broadcaster’s original founders for an undisclosed sum. [Image:]

DraftKings is rowing back on sports betting broadcasting after selling Vegas Stats & Information Network (VSiN) back to its original founders for an undisclosed sum. The Boston-based operator purchased the company from Musburger Media in March 2021 for approximately $70m, hoping to access a wider audience.

Bill Adee and Brian Musburger are now back in control of the company

Some personalities who appear on the 24/7 radio and video streaming network include Greg Peterson, Michael Lombardi, and Patrick Meagher. Founders Bill Adee and Brian Musburger are now back in control of the company, with the latter acknowledging the significant changes in the sector since the sale in 2021.

He said that the original vision of “delivering the most credible, independent information and analysis sports bettors can find anywhere” remains the main aim. Musburger also thanked DraftKings for the work it did over the years and hopes to work together in the future on other projects.

Programming at VSiN will remain the same following the agreement, with at least 18 hours of unique betting content showcased every day covering analysis, insights, news, and tips. The immediate focus is on entering additional partnership agreements and improving distribution to increase its listenership.

Talking about the decision to sell VSiN, DraftKings Chief Marketing Officer Stephanie Sherman said that the company is looking to optimize its investment in the media and content space “to align with the most critical areas and needs of our business strategy, objectives, and goals.”

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